Assessing Your Soft Skills

Jul 16 / Robert Christiansen
Embarking on the job search journey? Before you walk into your next interview, it’s crucial to take a step back and evaluate yourself—not just on your technical abilities, but on the soft skills that are increasingly becoming the differentiators in the hiring process. Whether you’re eyeing a role in a bustling startup or a position at a multinational corporation, understanding and scoring your soft skills can significantly enhance your interview readiness.

Using the Assessment

Assess and score these soft skills before you step into any interview.

Give yourself a score of 1 to 10, with 1 being low ability and ten a top skill.

  • Communication: Clearly and effectively exchange information.
  • Adaptability: Easily adjust to new conditions.
  • Problem-Solving: Find solutions to challenges efficiently.
  • Teamwork: Work well with others toward common goals.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Manage and understand emotions effectively.
  • Leadership: Inspire and guide teams.
  • Time Management: Prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently.
  • Creativity: Think outside the box and innovate.
  • Conflict Resolution: Handle and resolve disputes effectively.
  • Work Ethic: Show dedication and commitment to quality.
Apply the following scale for each skill to find where you land.

1 - 3 (Low): This skill needs significant improvement and a better basic understanding or application.

4 - 6 (Moderate): Competent; demonstrates the skill adequately but inconsistently.

7 - 9 (High): Very effective; consistently demonstrates the skill in various situations with high proficiency.

10 (Exceptional): Mastery: demonstrates the skill at an expert level, often leading and teaching others.

Use this assessment to help guide your personal development. Ask a trusted friend or colleague to review your self-assessment. Listen to their feedback. Does it align with your own?

I know this is tough stuff. Personal development is messy ground but worth the investment.

You got this.

I love you all
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