FREE Course

Self-Worth 101: Foundations

Higher self-worth unlocks the hidden power in all of us so we can achieve any dream, endure any challenge, and build a meaningful life.  This course teaches the groundbreaking methods developed by Robert Christiansen and the Motive For Life team to raise self-worth.  The course is free and a gift to you.  Start now.
Write your awesome label here.

Unlock Your Future

The secret power of higher self-worth.

Only Upside

Why take this course?

Few people understand the strength of their self-worth.  It is the secret, little-known power source most people never consider. Those who have learned how to harness their worthiness open doors to success that most people never dreamed possible. They have learned to catch and turn down the volume of their negative self-talk and release the true power they were born with. 

This course is our gift to you.  Learn the principles of higher self-worth and watch your world come alive!

You're worth it.  All Day - Every Day!

Open to Everyone

The Motive For Life Method of higher self-worth is available to anyone.  We believe all people can benefit from higher worthiness and experience the joy of living their best lives.

Take this course and apply the methods in your life. 

Share the course with your friends.  Tell them about the course and how it changed your life.  Help them raise their worthiness and change their life.  They deserve to achieve their goals and have the life of their dreams!
Write your awesome label here.

Meet Robert Christiansen

Robert Christiansen

Founder - Motive For Life
We've studied, researched, and practiced methods of raising self-worth for over 30 years.  We integrated the latest neuroscience research from Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Harvard.  The result , we developed a method to raise self-worth that works.  All our self-worth knowledge is free and a gift to you.  Please learn and apply these techniques in your life. They worked for me and 10,000+ people around the world. 

You can do this. 

I love you all.
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